Sunday, September 26, 2010

He said he wanted change, but no one knew to what degree he really meant.

Some, or most, of you may not know exactly what's going on in Washington D.C. right now. Chances are, if you're only watching MSNBC, NBC, ABC, or CNN, you're likely never going to really know what's going on. If you know anything about the governmental system, or how it works, you'd know that anyone that the President appoints to be an advisor, or anything of that nature, must be approved by Congress. Obama, seems to believe that he can just skip that little step. The media seems to ignore that Obama has upwards of 50 "czars" that work for him. They not only answer to no one but Obama, but they weren't even approved by Congress. Several of these "czars" have admitted to being communist. COMMUNIST! For the love of God, is this really who you want the "President", of the United States, surrounding himself with? America was based on Capitalism for the past 233 years. Why is it all of a  sudden not good enough? Why does Obama suddenly want to change our CONSTITUTION? What in God's name gives him the right to do that? Where is everybody? Why is no one standing up against this Socialistic madman? About a month ago, there was a website, DO NOT click that link. Anyway, it was basically supposed to appear to be one of those "Cash for Clunkers" websites. You had to agree to a service agreement. You know, where it says "I have read the terms...etc." then of course you don't read through it, so you just click agree? Well anyone who just went and clicked that "Agree" button, agreed to basically give their computer to the Government. One of the "Czars", put this website together. When you hit agree, a little box would pop up on the screen and say "This computer is now property of the United States Government. We can search through everything that you've searched, download anything to you computer whenever we want..etc.." How, I ask you, how is this in any way American? Something seriously needs to be done.

Some of you may ask why I don't refer to Obama as "President Obama". I do that because he truly isn't acting as the President of the United States. He's acting like the president of a Communistic country.

Another thing that just is mind boggling. Some of you may have heard of the political group, ACORN. This group literally aims to destroy the United States Government. There was just recently a young college student that went under cover, acted as a prostitute, and asked how she could cheat the tax system. ACORN helped them figure out how to rename it so she could make money illegally. Then she asked about 13 El Salvadorian girls, aged 13-16, all of which would be Illegal Immigrants, and asked how she could bring them to the United States and "whore" them out. ACORN, seems to have an answer for everything. They told her to claim them as "Independants". How, in any way, is that right? Selling off girls as young as 13 for sex? This group seriously needs to be investigated, and this Administration needs serious investigation. We, the people, need to stand up for the future of not only us, but our kids, and their kids.

He said he wanted change, but no one knew to what degree he really meant. Now, you have, just a small idea of what is going on.

Agree with me, or don't, but you can't call any of this made up. Every bit of it has been recorded on either audio, or video. How can they deny saying it, when you can clearly see or hear them saying it?

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