To those of you who say "Oh well Obama isn't socialist, he has no such involvement with socialist people...etc." I'd like to ask you to read quotes of his. In his book, he talks about who he is friends with. He says in his book,Dreams from my Father, "I choose my friends very carefully, [..] politically active blacks, foreign students, chicanos, and MARXIST professors." For those of you who don't understand why I made "MARXIST" all caps, I'll explain it to you. The term "Marxist" refers to people who believe in the ideals of a man named Karl Marx. He wrote the book "Communist Manifesto" in the mid to late 1800's. In his book, he talks about the ideas and what not that socialism is based on. So...hmm...if Obama SEEKS to find these people, one must come to the conclusion that he, at the very least, might share those same ideas.
Some of you, during the big 2008 election craze, might have watched the news at some point, and witnessed the video of Obama talking to "Joe the Plumber". In this video, Obama says at one point in the interview "I think that spreading the wealth is what's best for everone"
Spreading the wealth.....Gee, that sure sounds capitalist doesn't it? Oh right, that's the exact opposite of capitalistic. Spreading the wealth. Taking money from people who work hard, who earned that money the right way, and giving it to others. Where on Earth does that happen? Oh right, China, North Korea, you know, communistic countries. Now, if EVERYONE worked an honest days work, worked as hard as they could, and still couldn't survive on those means, I could MAYBE see doing something like that. But in today's society, that just isn't the case. Several people would just say "Oh well, those people in their offices, the CEO's of big Fortune 500 companies will make enough for us to all live on, I could just not work, and the government will still give me money. So why should I waste my time working when I can just have fun all day when I'm just going to get free money?"
Yet another reason I firmly believe he's socialist is his call for what would basically be a Civilian Army. He wants civilians to create an army, seperate from the U.S. Army, that is JUST as STRONG, JUST as POWERFUL, and JUST as FUNDED. In WHAT non-socialist/communist country do you see this atrocity? A civilian army....where have we seen that before? Does Hitler and his Nazi's ring any bells? How about Lenin? You now, Russia's (Communist) leader?
Some may say "Oh gosh, Luke just compared Obama to Hitler!" Yes, yes I did. There is another similarity. Unless you're completely cut off from the media, you obviously know about the Government Bailouts of the car industry. Now, the government owns GM and Chrysler. What was "General Motors" is now what some are calling "Government Motors". So now, he's able tell GM and Chrysler what they can and can't do. Why am I bringing this up? Because in the 1940's, Adolf Hitler did the same general thing. He didn't buy out the German motor companies, but he had ties to the leaders of German car companies like Volkswagon, and Porsche, and told them what to do. Hitler put the car industry, under government control.
Just some food for thought.
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